
Federico Pesenti, a visionary Milano-based architect, managed to combine contemporary Italian design with compactness and usability.

ELISA, folds in seconds, is so compact you may easily store 4 o 5 in the trunk of a compact car and is ultra-portable , thanks to its reduced weight and carry handle. When folded, Elisa is no longer than a tennis racket.

Elisa means safety, compactness, foldability and unmatched portability.

Andrej Justin, a naval engineer, and designer managed to add timeless design to the users’ functional requirements Linkable detailed.

He developed FIGARO, an incredibly safe e-scooter: bigger, far more stable than any scooter on the market and “trolleyble”.

Yes, trolleyble: you can conveniently fold it and trolley it, thanks to its “in & out standing” folding mechanism.

Reach out to us anytime and lets create a better future for all technology users together, forever. We are open to all types of collab offers and tons more.